Monday, June 13, 2011

Tip of the Day: Salt Dough Clay is.....salty. It is for kneading...not eating.

I would love to have a caption for each photo...but I haven't figured out how to do that yet...I think I am going to have to upload each pic individually to caption each one. Anyway, you get the idea...the chirren helped me make the salt dough and then made their flags...we will paint them soon. I will post pics of that part too... of course....

Sooooo.......I had my first art lesson playdate with some of my shorter friends, and as far as I could was a success. We made a rectangular shape out of the salt dough clay, and then made it look like the United States flag by making lines for the stripes and a section for the stars. After they dry, we will then paint the flags with red, white, and blue paint. For my own experimentation I tried tempera and acrylic paint to see which worked better, and I guess both worked well for the stripes, but I had issues with the tempera bleeding and mixing (even after it was dry) when I put my white "stars" over my blue background. Once the paint was dry, I sprayed the flag with a clear glaze to make it shiny! For the kids projects, I poked holes in the top of their clay flags before they dried so that a piece of twine can be used to make a nifty hanger for it.


  1. this is a test. this is only a test...comment comment comment blobbity blobber blip....from tookiebrownie

  2. Hey girl.. When did you start a blog!? It looks great! If you have any questions you can let me know and I will see if I can help you figure blogger out. Love it!!!

  3. ha!!! I started it a little bit ago in anticipation of having too many art class pictures to post on facebook....I invite my friends kids over to practice art projects so I can figure out which projects work well, and which ones do not. So, this bloggy is primarily for art lesson type stuff...unless I find something especially neat-o and unrelated to art I want to ya girl! Thanks for following me.....

  4. Heavy Flags won't flop in the breeze.
